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« I'm a SKYDIVER! | Main | Monday again »

September 22, 2005



You are seriously one of the VERY few people in the world who can look good in orange =)

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator

Here via Michele!

Happy friday again. Skydiving looked awesome and the outfits, tre chic.

The kite flying looked fun, too.


Very cool pics down below from skydiving. Glad you enjoyed it. I haven't flown a kite in years. Here from Michele's. :)


Amazing skydiving pictures! And I like the photojournalistic stlye in parts of your site.

Michele asked me to swoop by.


Wow! You gots cool pics lady! Kite flying looks like fun, you think I could catch one? I don't think I want to go skydiving though, don't like oreo crumbs!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog.


Who the heck is this Michele person? I wish I had such blogging influence! I don't even get comments in my blogs, let alone have the option to SEND people to new ones! Ack!


I saw the skydiving pics yesterday; awesome! The kites look fun too....Michele sent me.


My dad the pilot said he never saw the point in jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. Kiting is more my speed too.

Great pictures of both.

michele sent me.


Hi Erin! I saw the article in today's Journal. Great write up! Congrats. :-)

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