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« Taking the plunge | Main | Let's go fly a kite »

September 21, 2005



Sounds like fun, nice job! Your write-up made it sound so exciting my hands were sweating! :)


Yeah pretty sure my hands are sweating, and I have a nervous stomach..almost as if I were the one jumping out of a plane!

I can't believe you did it before I did. I always said it would be my treat to myself for graduating college (well..first it was when I turned 18) but of course I've procrastinated it a long time.

Save up can go with me when I go ;)


You went skydiving? Oh my gosh. That looks like it would be totally scary, but very fun!


Where've you been indigo? But WOW! Great job!! I can't believe you did it! That's super awesome! Waaaaaaaaaaay jealous. You rock. And Dave, you rock too. Kudos to you both for goin through with it!


You did it! Congrats! Still dont know if I would be able to, but your story makes it sound more exciting than I thought.


I don't know if I can do that or not - but I feel as if I have - through your description! Michele sent me.


What a great story! Congratulations! And the pictures are great!


This was my favorite part that you wrote about Dave: "I was glad his chute had opened, too!" Ha!

That one guy sure does like sticking out his tongue a lot.


I never realized it before. Your little Skydiving instructor was HOT!!! =) Lucky girl!


Yes, he did stick his tongue out on almost every picture. And YES, he was hot! And super cool, too! (Did I just say super cool?) I told you, I asked for a hottie and I got one!


Wow... that sounds like sooo much fun. Great pictures.

Did it beat the "rush" of geocaching? :) LOL



Thanks again for skydiving with us. We had a blast taking you and Dave. Do you have a link to the video yet?

You know what the next step is in the adventure? -Getting a group of friends together, taking the class, and jumping by yourselves.

(You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do. -Eleanor Roosevelt)


P.S. The tongue seems to be an involuntary reflex when I'm skydiving, not meant to be offensive.


Hey Tom!

I'm glad you came on and read the post! As you can see, I had SUCH FUN.

No offense was taken at the tongue thing! I have the same reflex when I've had a bit too much to drink - my tongue comes out in every picture! And skydiving is way cooler than being buzzed - so it's all good!

I haven't gotten the video yet. I hope it comes today! Then we'll work on getting it posted online.

I will DEFINITELY be back to go skydiving again. I think I'd do another tandem before doing it on my own - can I request you again? =)

Anyway, thank you again!!! (you hottie, you)


You'd be much too comfortable to do another tandem, you're definately ready for the next step. So, I'll be there to teach you the class and hold on to you in the air. Deal.

Check the link out under AFF

Sarah Mankowski


You have bigger cojones than . . . I don't know - something/someone with big cojones. Wow. Did it put hair on your chest? Wow. What a brave woman you are.


Nice writeup! You do a better job of relating the experience than most people do. Glad you had a good time at our DZ -- maybe I'll be there to join you next time...


Just one of the things I wish I could talk myself into trying. Well you just never know...

Enjoyed your pages.

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