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September 30, 2005



I didn't even read your opinion of the food by the time I looked at the pictures and decided that it was weak. I don't know which is worse, the store-bought cheesecake or the cheese plate I might not even eat (and I'll eat anything).

If they want a nice review, they should get their crap together and invite you back. It looks like a 1950s camper in there. Too bad... I had heard good things about it.


Michele sent me here, Erin, and for the first time in over a month! Egad.

Your post reminded me a lot of a wedding reception I went to about 5 years ago. It was in Pittsburg and the couple had splurged on a riverboat cruise on the 3 rivers that Pittsburgh is situated on. Like what you discovered, the food was very forgettable but I really loved the view. And we had a Scottish piper along and he was great. I do love bagpipes!


I totally agree that the "fine dining" experience leaves something to be desired... but that great atmosphere you talk about is what really makes the fiesta cruise and the happy hour/party cruises great! Plus they're really cheap considering what you get!

As of my birthday in august I've done all the types of cruises they do and the "fine dining" is the only one I wouldn't do. All the others are a great way to have a good time and enjoy our cities waters!


Ohhhhh this was weak. The first thing I thought when we got on the boat was "Oh this would be awesome for prom." The food was not good. I felt bad for the people who actually paid $72 for the "cruise" and dinner. I disagree with Erin about the setting being romantic. It also reminded me of a place my grandparents would take me which doesn't usually make me think of romance, but that's just me.


I just noticed the Oscar Meyer hard sausage cut in fours. Ha!


Sounds more like the final supper on board the Titanic!!


Hey – let's see a picture the tattoo on your back! Or are you too shy?

I didn't know you had one until I saw your "king of the world" picture.

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