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August 15, 2005



Yay! Now I'm Internet infamous too! ;) We'll get Mark down for a visit really soon and open his eyes to the beauty of Milwaukee - just like you opened mine this weekend! I can't believe that I hadn't seen those great parts of the city. More people should get out and explore Milwaukee - they might be pleasantly surprised at what they see as well!


I've always wanted to join a book club. Thought about starting one myself actually once but then of course something happened and I forgot about it =)

Now that I'm in the area I'd def. join.

*cheers to reading*


Your apartment is HUGE!!! I love the character it has in the architecture.

Thanks for stopping by today! And for the tipping advice. :-)


...and for some really reason I missed that you were in Milwaukee too. I'm in West Allis. LOVE LOVE LOVE The Bistro!!!! Love Shorewood too, we used to live on the corner of Downer & Capitol. Great area.


That's cool!

haha I guess I'm glad I gave you tipping advice then if you'll be coming into the Bistro anytime soon! ;)


Nice faux fireplace. :^)

You could go with something electric there (looks like an outlet there, no?), but maybe check out something a little nicer...

The 'tealight fireplace candelabra' runs for $90, and actually doesn't look too bad.


That tealight stand you put in the fireplace does look really cool! I dont know how much they run, but Party Lite also sells them.


Wow, that's a great apartment! I wish I had one like that, back in the day! Thanks for sharing!

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