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August 31, 2005


Raindrop Fairy

That sounds like a lot of fun. Good luck. :-)

By the way, I'm here via Michele.


I'm down!


Great blog! Just moved to Milwaukee and finding your blog to be a great resource for figuring out what's going on in the area.

Saw that you're reading a lot of David Sedaris... I just finished "Me Talk Pretty One Day" (recommended by my mother) It was hilarious!

Any other books of his in particular you would recommend?


Hey Charlie,

I've been following your blog for the past few days now. Welcome to Milwaukee. =)

I posted a comment about geocaching on your site since I saw you had a link about it. It's something I hope to do soon!

Yeah, I'm loving David Sedaris. I definitely recommend "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim" for your next read. I just read his smaller collection "Holidays on Ice" and didn't really like it, which was surprising. It wasn't like his other books - it was more made up stuff and not nearly as funny.

I'm going to read "Naked" next, which I anticipate being as hilarious as his others - but I'll let you know!

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