Lots going on this weekend!
Tomorrow morning I'll be doing another 5K - the Milwaukee Scramble at the Nissan Xterra Midwest Championship down at Veteran's Park. Yesterday when I drove to work I saw that they were already setting up by the lakefront - looks like a pretty huge event! Check out the website for a complete list of events. There's fun stuff for kids and adults alike, and the various races are sure to be exciting to watch. As for my 5K, Dave - my original running partner - has to work at his new job, so I think I'll be running it alone. Then I'll be checking out the various booths and events a bit before coming back home to get ready for work.
Tomorrow is also the Great Downer Avenue Bike Race, which is part of the International Cycling Classic going on in and around Milwaukee until Sunday. There will be live music and dancing and food on Downer Avenue until midnight tomorrow, with the race beginning at 5:45 p.m.
And finally, there's Festa Italiana down at the Summerfest grounds. I've never been to this festival before, and I think I'll try to get there for a few hours before work on Sunday. Italian food, music, the lake - sounds good to me. My Italian stallion (ha!) even has the day off, so perhaps we'll both go.
Sure will be easier to get to all these events once I get a job in my field and don't have to work weekends anymore! Yes, I know, I must actually send out resumes if I expect to be hired. I'm getting to it!
If you want to get into Journalism, you'll definitely have to work weekends - at least when you start off. News doesn't take a break on weekends. I should know. I've been on weekends for a while w/ my current job in news. Good luck!
Posted by: Gil | July 22, 2005 at 05:02 PM
I know, I know...
Actually, I don't want to get into Journalism per se. Definitely don't want to write hard news - I'm looking to get into PR or Marketing. Or maybe features. Or editorials. Just not hard news.
You're right - that stuff doesn't take a break on weekends. But I sure hope I'll be able to!
Posted by: Erin | July 22, 2005 at 09:29 PM
congrats on USA Today
Posted by: greg8370 | July 22, 2005 at 10:36 PM
If this article is true, your blog is a scam. Why aren't you honest with your readers and tell them you get compensated by the city to promote it? The whole thing seems like a lie.
Posted by: Black Domina | July 22, 2005 at 10:40 PM
Hello, Michele sent me!
Posted by: Heather | July 22, 2005 at 10:41 PM
That seems a bit dramatic, Black Domina.
Obviously if I have stories being written about the blog - stories that I'M being interviewed for! - that tell about the compensation, I'm not hiding a thing! And besides, it's not like I'm pulling in a paycheck or anything. Would you like me to make a public service announcement in a future post?
No lies here, my friend!
Posted by: Erin | July 22, 2005 at 11:18 PM
Personally, if I was doing what you are doing, I would have a clear disclaimer or link to something which told readers what is going on. I would also make sure that as few readers as possible left my blog not knowing that the city had a part in what I was writing about.
After reading that article, I read your blog and it is really one big advertisement for Milwaukee. You are being funded by the city to make them look good. Even if you believe in your cause, you are being paid to advertise and that should be made known.
And you are 'pulling in a paycheck' if what the article says is true...
"free access to many of the outdoor diversions she'll be describing in her twice-weekly musings"
I don't get free passes from my city for places that other people pay for. I have to pay for them on my own. Again, if what the article says is true, you getting free access to things the is same as if they were sending you money every so often.
You are obviously a reasonable person and I appreciate your reasonable response. I am sorry if my tone was harsh before but I get really angry when I see people getting tricked and not being told all the facts.
I hope you will consider making it better known on your site what is going on behind the scenes.
Posted by: Black Domina | July 22, 2005 at 11:51 PM
Found your article on USAtoday, interesting and glad I read it. I lived in Milwaukee for 2 years and couldn't hold back the laughs at what WI calls "outdoor life." A Rocky Mountain transplant, I need altitude. "Mountain Bike" in WI is an oxymoron.
I will concede: Milwaukee is a beautiful city, especially the lake front. But if you are getting paid--and who the hell cares if you are?--you need to ask for a trip out west to get a different view on out-door life! Nice pics and enjoy the summer there; an old Milwaukee man told me best: "in Milwaukee we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of bad sledding!"
Posted by: Jared | July 22, 2005 at 11:57 PM
Posted by: xxx | July 23, 2005 at 10:39 AM
Oh my goodness...you must have committed journalism blasphemy or something ! If you are writing what people want to read.....you deserve to be compensated....just like musicians,artists, and other writers. For someone to suggest dishonesty or disclaimer needed is just plain rude.
Posted by: Steve | July 23, 2005 at 02:50 PM
You will find a definition of the word journalist at this link...
This is the part that stands out to me...
"Reporters find the sources for their work; the reports can be either spoken or written; they are generally expected to report in the most objective and unbiased way to serve the public good."
'unbiased' is what stands out the most to me.
This blog is like me having a blog that was funded by General Motors to write nice things about their cars. They'd give me the cars to drive for free and even pay for my gas once and a while. I'd write a nice little blog about the cars which was mostly positive toward their product. In this case, am I a journalist? I don't think so.
In the case of playinthecity.blogs.com, the city has a product to sell which is the city itself. The fact that the writer of this blog is being funded by the product stakeholder, means she is in advertising and not journalism.
Posted by: Black Domina | July 23, 2005 at 11:06 PM
Black Domina,
When Johnson & Johnson had a little trouble and it was reported in the news, every news outlet (MSNBC, CNN) reported the news about them execept for one news outlet, FOX. That is b/c FOX is sponsored by Johnson & Johnson and wouldn't dare say anything bad about a company that is paying FOX millions and millions of dollars to advertise w/ them. So is that journalism, or advertising?
Posted by: Cordero | July 24, 2005 at 02:15 PM
BD - I don't know why you're taking such offense to Erin's blog. She said, in the comment before you started accusing the site of fraud, that she doesn't want to be a Journalist so citing the definition of the word 'journalist' makes no sense. I don't think she's "doing" anything but writing about the events in Milwaukee that she goes to. Who cares if she gets some free passes and a camera? She still has to actually go to the events and write about them. She never claims to be doing this all by herself. Easy on judging people, jeez.
Posted by: Derek | July 25, 2005 at 09:06 AM
propaganda. you claim to be a 'journalist' but you just sell the city line.
nice try, but you'll only dupe your friends
Posted by: mark | July 25, 2005 at 02:14 PM
Careful what you ask for. GM has a blog that is made to highlight their newest innovations and cars.
A blog is a blog. It's not CNN or NBC or whatever. For all I care, Erin can write about her new apartment. If the posts continue to be entertaining, I'll return. If you don't find them entertaining, you know what to do.
Posted by: Kevin | July 25, 2005 at 02:31 PM
Take it for what it is...Regardless of being a journalist or getting free passes to go to events, it is about time Milwaukee showcase what is available within our city. I dont think Erin is "sugar-coating" events to sell the city. I think she is doing these things and genuinely enjoys her experiences. It's refreshing to find someone who is so upbeat, well-written and excited about our city. I love the blog and look forward to reading more!
Posted by: Jennie | July 25, 2005 at 03:14 PM
Just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed Erin's posts. I just moved up here with my family and being that we're all very "outdorsy", have enjoyed hearing what is going on in the city. I have never seen a city with more going on in the summer than Milwaukee. I have even enjoyed reading about some of the events that I missed this year- some I'll definitely try to make next year and others I'll know to skip. I wouldn't care if the city was paying Erin. It's a smart marketing strategy on their part. My kids and I thank you for filling us in on so many fun events going on to keep us busy! (Like the "snow day"...no one else I asked even knew anything about that and the kids loved it!) I'm not sure how I'll handle the cold winters up here, but I'll bet there are even some fun events going on in the snow then too to take our minds off of the temps until the mercury creeps back up and the festivals begin again. Keep up the good work Erin. We'll be reading!
Posted by: gagirl | July 25, 2005 at 03:29 PM
Ha! Way to stir up some controversy Erin. That's my girl =)
Posted by: Christi | July 26, 2005 at 10:47 AM
I think it is interesting that on her Milwaukee Links section there is no link to VisitMilwaukee.com, who have "sponsored her" Camera, Computer and passes.
Posted by: Jason | September 08, 2005 at 02:50 PM
I don't. Everything Erin has listed will give you ideas of what is going on in the city, which seems to be her intention for the entire blog. Who cares if she got a camera, computer and passes to events? Those don't pay the bills and I am sure don't compensate for the amount of time she devotes.
I think the blog is great. I have learned about so many activities that are available in the city of which I may have never known about. And I think it is awesome that we finally have something that is positively showcasing our city to people who have never visited.
Posted by: Nicole | September 09, 2005 at 01:58 PM