Here is's 100 Ways to Improve Summerfest.
The list gets a bit silly at times, but most of the suggestions are really good ones - and most of them seem very doable. Even though it's always a good time, as the world's largest music festival, it has the potential to be so much more than it is right now. Some of the smartest suggestions: make some nights 21+ only, no strollers past 5 p.m., utilitze the lake more, offer more drink choices, partner with VH1 and MTV, lure more celebrities, and yes! - a brat-eating contest! I would DEFINITELY enter that.
And #2 "Add younger board members to Milwaukee World Festival, Inc. Board of Directors." Hey! Pick me, pick me!
What do you think of the list? Do you have any suggestions on how to improve Summerfest?
Never been to Summer Fest there. I did go to Irish Fest a few years back and that was really good. The one I think would make the most difference is the lake. And as always selecting the right people to the Board of Directors helps everything.
It's a bit far from Dallas to make it a routine thing to attend.
Michele sent me.
Posted by: tommy | July 23, 2005 at 11:15 AM