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July 11, 2005


Concerned citizen

Nice press release.


Not a press release, thanks, just something I'm pretty excited about - I want to get others excited, too.


Here via Michele's. Your site is intriguing, I wish someone would do this sort of thing for my locale!


The Blue Angels keep flying by my office window. It's pretty awesome.


DannyNoonan, you must work downtown. I do as well and was outside at lunch and saw the Blue Angels for the first time. They were initially flying really low and it was much cooler than I would have expected. You could hear them all afternoon flying around and I was lucky enough to get out and see they fly by doing a couple tricks. I wish I could go see them in action for real this weekend.


My husband takes my son to see the Blue Angels every year. He started when Nick was a baby....hubby brought home a poor sunburned 2 year old. He's 13 now....and they still come home with a!

Michele sent me....neat blog, I'll be back!

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