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May 24, 2005



Congratulations on your graduation! I can't wait to follow your escapades this summer!

Frankie Alford

You go girl! Congrats from the mtns of North Carolina!!!!! The Great Smokies! We are so happy for you and the Blog is ROCKIN Sister!!!!!! Keep the ideas rollin and yes ther's is a way to upload short vids! ;) Later
Frankie Rhonda Lauryn, and Twins!!!!!


Congratulations Erin! I am so happy that everything is going so well for you! I am looking forward to reading all about your adventures in Milwaukee this summer.


Hi Erin, great job with the blog so far. I read it religiously and wanted to say hello. I miss you and look forwad to seeing you again soon...possibly next weekend for the wedding (not yours, unfortunately...I know you're anxious!) Anyhow take care and tell the family I say "hello"! Kisses!

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